4 Noise-Cancelling Leadership Habits

I recently heard a podcast about leadership being presented as a more inward looking quality. This coupled with the fact that it had a catchy title “4 Noise-Cancelling Leadership Habits”, caught my attention.

I highly recommend listening to it yourself. Nonetheless, here’s my distilled (spoiler alert) version…

1. Finding The Why

Being self-reflective and understanding your ‘why’ is almost always the first step. But the interesting thing to note here is simplicity. Simpler you are, the easier it is to find your why. For me this ‘why’ serves as a quintessential ‘compass’; not the turn-by-turn navigation like a modern GPS device.

2. Speaking / Listening To Yourself

Great coaches are usually not directive. Rather than giving you direction, they set you on a path of self-discovery. Speaking to yourself, is yet another way of setting yourself on this path of self-discovery. Keep asking self-regulating questions to send yourself the right message. 

3. Getting Quiet

Personally, this was one of the most interesting idea. Being disciplined about giving yourself some quiet time does not come naturally to me personally. Honing the ability to reflect and understand, starts with making time for it. 

4. Hit The Pause

Go on a vacation. Taking a break from whatever you are (often) over-invested in, is a great way to gain a perspective of the big picture.



